Getting Ebooks for Your Apple or Android Tablet, Phone, or Mobile Device (Including the Kindle Fire, Nook Color, and Nook HD tablets)

By Jamie W. RSS Fri, July 25, 2014

UPDATED: 7/25/14

Getting ebooks or audiobooks for your Apple or Android Tablet, Phone, or mobile device is simple. This broad category includes many types of devices, but what they all share in common is the ability to add and use mobile apps.

To get started, go to the app store for your device -- whether it's the iTunes Store, Google Play, the Nook Store, the Kindle App Store, or elsewhere -- and add the free Overdrive Media Console App to your device.

The Overdrive Media Console (OMC) app allows you to browse, search, checkout, download, and read library ebooks and listen to library audiobooks on your tablet or mobile device. There is no need to use your web browser or transfer items to your device from your computer. You can use OMC anywhere you connect wirelessly to the Internet: at home, at work, at the neighborhood coffee shop, or at any branch of the Free Library.

Once you add the app, OMC will prompt you to add your library. Search for the Free Library of Philadelphia and add us to your OMC. If you are a member of more than one library, you can add others too (though I am telling you up front they won't be nearly as wonderful as we are). Next, you will be prompted to register your OMC with a free Adobe ID. If you do not have an Adobe ID, you will be prompted to create one online.

Then you enter your library card number and you're off to the races. The video below takes you step by step through the process for Android.

Also, Overdirve has produced a series of videos that take you through the process on both iOS/Apple and Android devices.


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Is there a way to display the page number on the Kindle fire with the OMC? Thanks
Robert Michlowski - Scranton
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How do i get books on my nook
paula guenst - poconos
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Great question, Paula! Instructions for transfering library ebooks to the Nook Simple Touch are online here:
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Can the books also be downloaded for off-line reading?
Jim Lentini - Philadelphia
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

First day of teacher
Nurcan Kesen - Bethlehem
Sunday, February 24, 2013

First day of school
First day of school - bethlehem
Sunday, February 24, 2013

How do i sign up for ebooks for my asus tablet?
geri - birdsboro
Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello Geri - Your Asus tablet is an Android device. Go to the Google Play app store and install the free Overdrive Media Console app to get started. Here is a video from Overdrive that shows the process:
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Monday, March 4, 2013

Is there support for eBooks on my Aluratek Libre ? I can read Mobi format books from Baen and some other sites, as well as some ePub and PDF files.
Dan - Lancaster
Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hi Dan - Overdrive maintains a list of all known compatible as well as known incompatible devices here: You may need to investigate this a little further, but based on the information I you provided the Aluratek LIBRE Touch eBook reader is compatible when you install the Overdrive Media Console App on your device (follow the instructions for Android in the post above). However, I also noticed that the Aluratek LIBRE Pro is listed as an incompatible device. So, you may need to check exactly which Aluratek model you have. I hope this information is helpful to you - thanks!
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Friday, April 26, 2013

Can these ebooks and audiobooks be accessed offline? Or do you have to be connected to wifi the entire time?
Lauren - Philadelphia
Friday, May 24, 2013

Hello Lauren - If you are using the Overdrive Media Console app on your smartphone or tablet, you need only be connected to the Internet while you download the ebook to your device. After that you can read it while you're not connected. Thanks!
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Will I be able to enter more than 1 library card? 1 for my daughter and one for me?
Amy - Philadelphia
Monday, June 10, 2013

Hello Amy - Thanks for your question. It's a tricky one...the answer is: sort of (how's that for definitive). The Overdrive Media Console App has only one login. So technically, if you and your daughter want to read on the same device, you would have to deregister the device and register it between uses. You can do that in the apps settings. It's a little complicated though. As an alternative, you might try having one of you use the app to manage your checkouts and have the other go to our site with your devices web browser (Chrome works best). Then, after you checkout an ebook, select 'Read in Browser' rather than download. Your will be able to read your ebook in the browser and the reading experience is very similar to the blog. Here's more information on Overdrive Read for Android:
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Monday, June 10, 2013

Do you have to actually "return" the book? How do you do this electronically?
Therese Ann McKinley - Philadelphia
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hello Theresa - Thank you for your question. While you can return an ebook or audiobook early (there is an option to do so within the app), you don't have to. The book will expire and "return itself" after your loan period is over. Also, there are never any late fees :)
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Sunday, July 14, 2013

it seems the books I've check out only give me one of the chapters and it keeps repeating itself. Help
Rudy - Philly
Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hi Rudy - It sounds like you might be downloading the samples rather than going through the full checkout/download process. If you are already following the steps in the video above, please send us an email and outline exactly what's happening in the process (include any error messages you may get as well). Here is the contact us link:
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Looking for books
carol hansen - edgewood, md
Monday, December 30, 2013

I have a book that is listed as one of my borrowed books but I have an error note on my Nook next to the title that says This device does not support the previously selected format. I can't read or listen to it. Can it please be taken out of my list so the number of borrowed books is corrected? Thanks!!
Kim - Clarks Summit
Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Hi Kim - Thanks for your comment. We can help you with this but to do so, we will need a little more informaiotn from you. Please use the contact us link at the top right of this page so we can start more of a one-on-one dialog over email. Thanks!
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

When I'm asked for my e-mail and password im told its already taken, also I'm having problems with the pin number. However, I just received my card today.
Jack Malin - Prospect Park, Pa.
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hello Jack - sorry to hear you're having trouble. We'll need a little more information to help you though. Please send us an email here: - Be sure to include your library card number and let us know at what step in the process you're having trouble (logging in to Overdrive, registering the app, setting up software, etc.). Thank you.
Jamie W - philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

No syncing of epub books thorough overdrive app. Place is not saved even with a bookmark.
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Hello Doris - Sorry to hear you're having trouble. I am not sure this is something we can fix over the blog though. Please click on the 'Contact Us' link at the top right of this page and send us an email including your library card number, the name of the ebook causing the problem, the type of device/operating system you are using. Thanks!
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

I just bought a new IPad Mini can I use both my nook and mini to down load and how do I put my mini on?
Irene - North Carolina
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Hello Irene - Yes you can use your iPad mini to read ebooks from Overdrive. To do so, you have two options. First, you can choose to read ebooks in your web browser (Safari). You'll find instructions for that here - Your other option is to add the Overdrive Media Console app to your device from the iTunes app store. The video at the top of this page shows you how to do that. If you need more help, send us an email using the 'Contact Us' link at the top of the page. Then we can work over email to get you set up. Thanks!
Jamie W - Philadelphia
Monday, September 22, 2014

CAN one download ebooks from the Library onto a NOOK GLOWLIGHT (which is black and white) not color and not a tablet. Thanks Happy new year.
rita - philly
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Hello Rita - Yes you can use your Nook Glowlight with our ebook collection. However, you will need to download Adobe Digital Editions to your computers (it's free software) and then transfer the ebook to your Nook. You'll find full instructions and a video tutorial here:
Jamie W - Philadelphia, PA
Tuesday, December 30, 2014 is another great way to get free ebooks
gavin tran
Friday, July 3, 2015

No comments.
Guisson Sanon - Philadelphia
Sunday, November 1, 2015

How do I get these ebooks to show up omn my home screen
Noah - Goshen, IN
Wednesday, January 18, 2017