Megillat Esther

From Our Collections
Megillat Esther

Item Info

Item No: foc0000130
Title: Megillat Esther
Media Type: Manuscripts
Source: Rare Book Department

This item appeared in the exhibition "Sacred Stories: The World's Religious Traditions" in the Rare Book Department, August 2015-January 2016.

This is the label from that exhibition:

This scroll contains the Book of Esther, from the third section of the Jewish Tanakh. The scroll, in Hebrew, is 108 inches long, on 21 parchment membranes, or sections. The beginning of the text is displayed, decorated with minute illustrations depicting some of the episodes of the story. Since scrolls lack the outer protection that bindings afford books, a scroll’s first few sections often suffer from wear over time, as seen here with the repair done in green silk.

Call Number: Lewis O 149

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