Outdoor Yoga for Healthy Families
Chestnut Hill Library
Use the natural world as inspiration as we explore mindfulness through the senses, the breath, and movement. The program is taught by Jana Gunby, of Heartwell Yoga, and is a Prescribe Outside program. This program is for preschool- aged children and older, plus their caregivers.
Prescribe outside is on a mission to help children and families become healthy and happy by spending time outside in nature. Prescribe Outside is a partnership with CHOP, Let’s Go Outdoors, The Forest Service, Awbury Arboretum, Temple University, and the Sierra Club. For more info on Proscribe Outside click here: https://prescribeoutside.org/
Heartwell Yoga offers yoga and mindfulness programming that is heart-centered, nature-inspired, and trauma-informed for children, families, and communities. http://heartwellyoga.com
Chestnut Hill Library
8711 Germantown Avenue (Germantown Ave. & Bethlehem Pike)
Philadelphia, PA 19118-2716
215- 685-9290