Remembering 9/11: 10 Years Later
Books for parents and children to discuss the anniversary together.

There are 8 items | Showing 1 to 8

Book Cover
Fireboat : The Heroic Adventures of the John J. Harvey by Kalman, Maira
Notes: A fireboat, launched in 1931, is retired after many years of fighting fires along the Hudson River, but is saved from being scrapped and then called into service again on September 11, 2001. Best for grade 4 or up, and for parents and children to read together.
ISBN: 0399239537
Publisher: Putnam
Published: 2002
Callnumber: j974.7104 K126f
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The Peace Book by Parr, Todd
Notes: Describes peace as making new friends, sharing a meal, feeling good about yourself, and more. Perfect for explaining all the different things peace can mean, especially for preschoolers. Great for preschoolers and fine for all ages!
ISBN: 0316059625
Publisher: Little
Published: 2005
Callnumber: jE
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Silent Music: A Story of Baghdad by Rumford, James
Notes: Again focusing on 9/11's aftermath in terms of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, this book tells the story of a young boy who uses the art of calligraphy to distance himself from the horror of war. Best for grade 4 and up.
ISBN: 1596432764
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Published: 2008
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Good Night, Commander by Akbarpour, Ahmad
Notes: While this book is actually about the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, its devastating plot and emotionally raw pictures represent war and how it affects children. It also provides historical context for the on-going war in Iraq. Best for grades 5 and up.
ISBN: 9780888999894
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14 Cows for America by Deedy, Carmen Agra
Notes: The story of Kenya's symbolic gift to the United States after the attacks, and an excellent example of international reactions. Best for grades 2 and up.
ISBN: 9781561454907
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September Roses by Winter, Jeanette
Notes: Two sisters find a good use for the roses they have grown when their plane from South Africa is delayed by a storm, causing them to miss a flower show in New York City after 9/11. Fine for all ages.
ISBN: 0374367361
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September 11, 2001 by Fradin, Dennis B.
Notes: From the Turning Points in American History series, this history of 9/11 will answer older children's questions about the exact events of the day. Best for grade 4 and up.
ISBN: 9780761442592
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America Is Under Attack: September 11, 2001: the Day the Towers Fell by Brown, Don
Notes: This book is an historical account of the events of the day. Best for 4th grade and up.
ISBN: 9781596436947