Why Not Join Cultureshare?

By Autumn M. RSS Wed, September 13, 2017

The Free Library’s Cultureshare is nearly here! Don’t miss your chance to subscribe to this exciting new venture that pairs art, music, and writing from locals with pieces from the Free Library’s collections – all in a digital format. Sign up to receive Cultureshare content and to have the chance to be part of the launch party on October 3.

You may be thinking, "So wait, what is this Cultureshare thing again?"

Do you know the concept of Community Shared Agriculture (or a CSA), where you get a "share" of vegetables from local farms? Well, borrowing from that idea, we thought of the concept of a "share" of local art. We asked the public (anyone living in or with a connection to Philadelphia) to submit their art, music, writing, performance, and other mediums to us. We got 150 submissions! Then we asked some experts from around the city to take a look and help us decide which pieces should be included in the first edition. Then, we paired the chosen pieces with images, music, and writings from the Free Library’s collections. We put all the pieces together on a nifty little site, and finally, we asked you—arts and culture lovers—to subscribe.

Now it’s almost time to see what was chosen. Cultureshare will launch on Monday, October 2 with a link in subscribers’ inboxes. Join us in celebrating artists from around Philadelphia, and find out more about the cool stuff in the Free Library’s collections.

The Free Library is grateful to the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation for their support of this project.

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Love this idea!
Dan Hajdo
Monday, October 2, 2017