Workplace Spotlight: Culinary Agents

By Gillian R. RSS Mon, October 23, 2017

Each November as Thanksgiving and the holiday season approaches, food and travel tend to come to mind. If you are job searching in the hospitality industry, food and travel are always on your mind! Enter Workplace’s November spotlight, Culinary Agents! Culinary Agents is a professional networking and job matching website designed for current and aspiring professionals in the food, beverage, and hospitality industry in many cities, including Philadelphia!

This month, we speak with Madison Alpern, Senior Account Manager at Culinary Agents.

Tell us a little about Culinary Agents.
Culinary Agents is the leading job-matching and professional online network designed for the Hospitality Industry; trusted by 300,000 plus users and over 15,000 businesses in more than 50 cities, nationwide.

Who should be utilizing your services?
All culinary and hospitality professionals, at any level in their career. If they are looking for a job, wanting to network, learn from mentors, or use any of our other resources. Since we are a two-sided marketplace, any businesses in food, beverage, or hospitality that want to save time and money finding talent to hire!

What is something awesome that people may not know about your organization?:
We are dedicated to connecting the industry nationwide, and globally! A little fun fact about Culinary Agents our small team is comprised of 6 nationalities!

What makes Culinary Agents unique in Philadelphia’s job seeking community?
Being able to search locally as well as nationally, the amount of job opportunities are endless on CulinaryAgents. The Philly restaurant world is extremely tight knit and therefore we are over the moon to collaborate, support, and partner with numerous schools, organizations, purveyors, etc. in the industry. For example, we are thrilled to announce our partnership with Philly Mag's Foobooz, to power their job board. For Culinary Agents, relationships are everything!

What is your favorite resource or event?
Over the years, I have attended and/or been involved with numerous events both in Philadelphia and around the country. Nowadays, there are so many chef-driven events it can be challenging to create a unique event as well as keep it fresh over the years. One event I always look forward to in Philadelphia is Feastival. It is always an upbeat evening full of new and old friends, the top restaurants & bars around the city, talented entertainment, and networking networking networking. Of course, it also supports the amazing FringeArts as well!

... and finally, what are you currently reading?
I recently saw Barbara Lynch speak at a conference in Charleston called FAB. We have worked with her team for years however she was so entertaining, interesting, and filter-free (in the best way possible) that I immediately wanted to read her new book Out of Line: The Unexpected Education of an Improbable Chef. I just started it and already can't put it down.

To learn more about Culinary Agents visit their website. Be sure to check out their extensive Philadelphia job listings and numerous resources!

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