Wildlife Webcams

By Allison M. RSS Wed, May 6, 2020

I remember way back in 2016 when the American Eagle Foundation set up a webcam at the National Arboretum in Washington D.C., which is home to a bald eagle couple appropriately named Mr. President and The First Lady. The webcam captured live footage of the couple's nest in anticipation of the hatching of their two eaglets. 

People were invited to tune in anytime day or night in the hopes of witnessing the birth and I was among the eager viewers. I even had it up on a screen at work and pretty soon co-workers became equally excited along with me throughout the day, checking in on the progress of the hatchings. Watching the eaglets hatch made me feel like I was a part of something bigger than myself and also fostered a connection to others watching the events unfold across the U.S.

Jump to 2020 and our current circumstances where so much has changed. So, whether you're in need of an escape from your current reality, want a connection to fellow creatures of the earth, or just simply want to see some pandas being fluffy and rolling around, wildlife webcams are a great way to pass the time. Check out these nine live webcams of animals in national parks, sanctuaries, and preservations throughout the world.

And after you're done watching those webcams, browse through this list of ebooks for informative and inspiring pictures and stories of wonderful wildlife from around the world!

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