2020 Census: Tell All Your Friends and Neighbors!

By Adam F. RSS Fri, September 4, 2020

We at the Free Library love to shout to the mountaintops about all that libraries can do for their communities, and while we may not always be as comfortable asking our patrons to do something for us, this request is urgent—today and through September 30, we need your help to make sure that every Philadelphian, every Pennsylvanian, and everyone living in the United States is counted in the 2020 Census!

If you have not completed your 2020 US Census, please take the 10 minutes or so necessary to complete it right now. 

  • Call 1-844-330-2020 to do the Census over the phone
  • Or do it over the internet at 2020census.gov
  • Remember: The deadline is September 30, 2020.

If you have completed your 2020 US Census, thank you! But we’d still like to call on you to get in touch with your friends, family, coworkers, and community, and urge them today to do the following right now:

  • Call 1-844-330-2020 to do the Census over the phone
  • Or fill it out online at 2020census.gov
  • Remember: The deadline is September 30, 2020.

Every human living in Philadelphia counts. The Census is 100% confidential. Every person counted represents $21,000 in Federal Funding to our community. We can’t afford to miss anyone. Your entire community needs your help.

Finally, share this blog post with your friends or followers, as well as follow and share the hastags #PhillyCounts or #2020Census!

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