by Keri E. Wilkins, Administrator, Free Library Library for Blind and Physically Handicapped, LAMP: Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians and Mark Lee, Administrator, LAMP: Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians
Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh and the Free Library of Philadelphia’s Libraries for the Blind and Physically Handicapped have officially changed their name to LAMP: Library of Accessible Media for Pennsylvanians!
Pennsylvanians with print disabilities can access free LAMP services no matter where they live. They'll find services, book recommendations, a calendar of statewide activities, information on joining LAMP, and much more.
This change will make services for Pennsylvania’s growing print-disabled population more discoverable, accessible, and inclusive. LAMP removes the word "disability" from the names, and focuses entirely on the services provided. The new website will provide a singular service point to aggregate, grow, and communicate all of Pennsylvania’s services to persons with print disabilities.
Visit today for more information.
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