Every day is a good day to learn about how you can take care of the Earth and put that knowledge into action. I think one of the reasons some people have trouble acknowledging holidays like this is because the environmental issues we are experiencing are far too large and too global. While this is true, there are things that you can do as an individual in your very own home!
Here are five things that you can start doing:
Take a walk. If you are able, try walking or biking to a location that you normally drive to. Not only will this help aid in a healthier planet, but you’ll get some exercise and fresh air too!
Recycle! While over 90 percent of Americans support recycling, only about 35 percent of us actually do it. That is a huge disconnect. Many people are confused and overwhelmed by what is able to be recycled, while others simply don’t have access to recycling centers. In Philadelphia, you can visit one of six sanitation convenience centers and get a recycling bin for free. In terms of separating recyclables, I can say that things have become easier. I remember when plastics and glass had to be separated from paper and cardboard. For the most part, everything can now be put into the same bin. For guidance, check out this helpful information on what recyclables are accepted.
Stop using plastic bags to shop! Philadelphia has recently banned the use of plastic shopping bags in stores, which is a huge help! Many stores have replaced them with paper or reusable fabric bags. A helpful tip is to keep the reusable bags in the trunk of your car or in your backpack, so you always have them on hand.
Try composting. Composting doesn’t have to be as complicated as it seems. You can start with a small bin that can fit on the top of your kitchen counter or your windowsill. Put compostable food scraps in the bin and watch them break down. The result is nutrients for your garden and plants!
The Free Library has additional resources on going green, including materials on composting, recycling, and reducing your carbon footprint. And be sure to visit our Explore topic to find more tips for becoming an everyday environmentalist with tips for organic cooking and other eco-friendly ideas for the home!
Happy Earth Day!
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