NewspaperArchive Is a Blast From the Past!

By Sharyl O. RSS Wed, March 22, 2023

NewspaperArchive is an online database of billions (and yes, that’s BILLIONS with a B!) of newspaper articles from Pennsylvania, the U.S. (all 50 states plus Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands), and all over the globe spanning 1607 to the present. NewspaperArchive is a great tool for genealogists and historians, providing dates, names, and stories about individuals, communities, and the world.

Browse by date, location, or publication to find news stories, births, marriages, obituaries, old photographs, and more. 

Our NewspaperArchive subscription features 15,600+ newspapers and publications, 250+ million pages, 3+ billion photos and articles, 9+ billion names, and over 108 million obituaries from 413 years of newspapers. 

You won't have Genealogical "FOMO" (Fear of Missing Out) if you use NewspaperArchive!

You will need a Free Library of Philadelphia library card and PIN to access NewspaperArchive. If you do not have a library card, you can sign up today. You will find a link to NewspaperArchive on our database page.

Have a question for Free Library staff? Please submit it to our Ask a Librarian page and receive a response within two business days.

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Tried it. Frustration is not finding a way to maneuver around a page once located. My article was on the bottom of the page, too small to read. Zooming in just showed the middle of the page and less and less of that by zooming in further. Some sites the user can click in the image and then use arrows, but I could not do that here. The "find" tool helped, but only if the article was small enough to fit the window. Anyone have suggestions?
David T. Moore - Mt. Airy
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Hi David, you should be able to zoom in and see the edges/corners of the page by alternating Zoom and "drag and drop" (left-click and HOLD the left mouse or touch pad button while moving your mouse pointer to a different page location) maneuvers. When you release the left mouse button at the new section of the page, you can zoom in again. Keep doing Zoom and "drag and drop" until you can view what you want to see. For more assistance please contact us via Thank you!
Sharyl O. - Free Library of Philadelphia
Thursday, March 23, 2023

Hi, is this resource still available? From the database page, the link doesn't seem to work anymore.
Michael Sances - PHILADELPHIA
Friday, March 14, 2025