From an Intern’s Design to Your Shoulder: New Tote Bags With a Purpose!

By Sophia A. RSS Mon, September 9, 2024

The vibrant spirit of our community has been artfully captured as the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation proudly unveils new tote bags, designed with care and creativity by one of the Free Library's former interns, Margot Whipps. 

In 2021, the exhibition For the Greatest Number: The New Deal Revisitedcurated by Laura Stroffolino and Caitlin Goodman, explored the historical impact of the Great Depression and the New Deal's response while reflecting on contemporary social and economic inequalities facing society today. Margot worked on the marketing materials for this exhibition by reimagining a Free Library poster from 1936, originally part of the Pennsylvania Federal Art Project's Poster Division of the Works Progress Administration. 

In celebration of Margot's design, we spoke with her about her inspirations and experiences while interning at the Free Library:

Tell us about your design and what your inspirations were.

With this design, I was inspired by one of the original posters made to promote the library and wanted to create my own take on it. The original version emphasized that the library can be enjoyed by people of all ages, whereas we wanted to emphasize that it's free for all (emphasizing diversity in more than just age). With that as a starting point, I attempted to illustrate a large range of people, so that anyone viewing the poster would feel like they could relate to someone within the piece. Additionally, I wanted to show that everyone was having a free-for-all/celebration together so that it could be interpreted in multiple ways ... emphasizing a couple of ways why the library is so special!

What was your experience like interning at the Free Library?

I had a lovely time interning! I started in the summer of 2021 working on building marketing materials for the exhibition For The Greatest Number. Nathanael and the team made me feel super welcome and free to try new things while still keeping true to the initial branding for the exhibition.

What was your favorite part of interning at the Free Library?

My favorite part was getting the chance to see how the design department functioned at the library overall. It was so special to work with super dedicated people who strived to create great work for the library with such a small team. I had a great experience and it prepared me well for entering the design world.

Why do you love the library?

The thing I love most about the library is that it is welcoming to everyone in the city and a great place for so many things, whether you're grabbing a book, attending a class, looking for a quiet place to work, etc.

What does "Free For All" mean to you?

"Free For All" means open to any and all people, along with an emphasis on having a fun time with those around you.

Want to get your hands on one of these new tote bags? Donate to the Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation to receive one!

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This gift is in honor of my niece, Stephanie Kirk, who loved the library and died too young.
Joan Lukas - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 10, 2024