Getting to know Sen. Biden

By Shannon G RSS Mon, September 8, 2008

Looking to get to know a different side of newly elected Democractic Vice Presidential nominee Sen. Joe Biden? Learn more about Biden, who has served as a United States senator since 1973, by listening to a podcast of his visit to the Free Library of Philadelphia. Biden stopped by late last August, shortly after the release of his book, Promises to Keep. During his time at the Free Library, he discussed both personal and political issues, covering everything from his brain aneurysm to his plan for responsible troop withdrawal from Iraq.

Click here to listen in!




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Um...are you sure you meant to say "elected"? I mean, optimism is a wonderful trait, but perhaps this particular word was chosen prematurely! I've started re-reading the book (since I know people will ask me questions about him; besides, it's a good read) and whether you agree with him or not, you have to like his openness. He writes very well...and he's made himself respected by his constituents by commuting on public transportation, Amtrak, just like them.
Barbara - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

In this case, elected is correct because it's referring to nominee... not actually elected VP :)
marie - philadelphia
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

smosh shmee a shmeen
james - Example: Philadelphia
Monday, September 15, 2008

It is my opinion that the presidential race this year will have the most interest in the Vice presidential candidates. Their stand on the issues will carry significant importance.USA Elctions
George - Example: Philadelphia
Saturday, September 27, 2008

It is my opinion that the presidential race this year will have the most interest in the Vice presidential candidates. Their stand on the issues will carry significant importance.USA Elections
George - Example: Philadelphia
Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sen. Joe Biden or should I say VP nominee Biden has managed to stay out of the limelight that has focused on Obama so intently. I am looking forward to hearing Mr. Biden debate. Billings
Kevin - Billings Montana
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I thing Sen Biden is a great man and will make a V.P after next election ! Pregnancy Symptoms
Jena Mallard - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I think Joe Biden is the perfect man for the job, he is going to be Barack's right hand man because his strongest area of expertise is where Barack is weakest. So it was a very smart move on Barack's part to pick Joe! Good Work! About Me
Adam - Denver Colorado
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Thank you for posting this. So much has been made about John McCain's runningmate Ms. Palin, that very little information has been given by the media about Mr. Biden. As an undecided voter, every little bit of information helps, as I would like to know which candidates will help my small business, Air Bed Warehouse grow! Hopefully this book gives me a bit more incite on Mr. Biden.
Mike - Los Angeles
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank you for posting this. So much has been made about John McCain's runningmate Ms. Palin, that very little information has been given by the media about Mr. Biden. As an undecided voter, every little bit of information helps, as I would like to know which candidates will help my small business, Air Bed Warehouse grow! Hopefully this book gives me a bit more incite on Mr. Biden.
Mike - Los Angeles
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Thank you very much for this information.I like This site! Thanks!

parça kontör - turkey
Sunday, January 11, 2009

Well so far Biden hasn't progressed much. It's just a matter of time.
Robert - NYC
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thank's for this nice post. Keep on posting
Doru - Chicago
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Now if we could just get all the politicians to keep their promises, we'd be good.
Dr. Jemsek - South Corolina
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Great book. Looking forward to the next. Pregnancy
Jillian - Washington DC
Monday, November 9, 2009

Interesting book. What other would you recommend?
MommySue - Marshal
Thursday, June 24, 2010

I certainly have to say that VP Biden was definitely not born with a silver spoon in his mouth...More likely with his foot in his mouth. His comments make me laugh .
Jillian - Bucks county
Tuesday, January 18, 2011