Mayor cuts ribbon on Parkway Central's green roof

By Alix G. RSS Mon, September 29, 2008

Mayor Michael A. Nutter visited Parkway Central on Monday, September 29 to officially unveil the Library’s new green roof demonstration project. Encompassing 5,000 square feet on the south side of Parkway Central, the space holds 100 cubic feet of soil and more than 5,400 plants. The green roof project, which is a part of the Mayor’s initiative to make Philadelphia one of the greenest cities in the country, is the first green roof on a city-owned building.

Green roofs offer environmental and energy-saving benefits—installations improve air quality, reduce stormwater runoff to city sewer systems, and keep buildings cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Several layers designed specifically for insulation, drainage, and waterproofing were installed below the layer of soil media (see attached illustration). The new demonstration space features a pathway that will allow visitors to experience the green roof up close—featured signage includes information on the variety of plants, as well as details on the layers installed and benefits of green roofs.

Click here to learn more about our green roof. 

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This is something we can all be proud of. Thanks to all who participated and made possible expeditious execution of a forward-looking project.
Nancy - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Congratulations, it's good to see more and more people with regard to the environment.
Dwayne - Philadelphia
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Its fantastic that soemone has the foresight to think green, by having a green roof, it provides cleaner air for all to enjoy.
graham gallagher - New York
Thursday, October 2, 2008

That was astonishing news to me. Thanks for sharing.
Rich - Example: Montreal
Thursday, October 2, 2008

This is a great idea. I used to work for a Car company that did this to a few of their buildings and it saved a lot of money in heating and cooling. This is definately a great step for the city becoming greener. My
Dominic - Cincinnati
Thursday, October 2, 2008

Hooray for Philadelphia!! Another step toward becoming a "greener" city. It saves energy ,reduces heat load on the building and the city, decreases impact of UV light on roofing materials and just looks nicer. A WIN WIN choice.
Gary - Example: Philadelphia
Friday, October 10, 2008

Libraries are wonderful places to find information on how to do projects and general research. In addition to its already essential services, the library is now an excellent example of good practices. So visiting the library was a great opportunity to utilize reference and observe application. Hopefully, this will encourage homeowners and other business to do the same! Thanks Philly, it was a site for sore eyes.
Dawn - New York
Friday, October 17, 2008

This is a very good idea. Big step toward becoming a greener city. Good to see that people still pay attention to the environment. Greetings,
miranon - Philadelphia
Sunday, November 2, 2008

This is a very good idea. Big step toward becoming a greener city. Good to see that people still pay attention to the environment. Greetings,
miranon - Example: Philadelphia
Sunday, November 2, 2008

I agree, I think its outstanding to make changes like this to help the planet.
Mike - Philadelphia
Sunday, February 8, 2009

That's so cool! I would love to see more city building do this! ---- Libby Rollins
Libby - Nashville
Monday, March 15, 2010

It's really important to use a in our basement areas because this is where the water mostly enter. It is also important to choose the best contractor to do the job because some of them will going to hurry things without looking whether it is already okay or not. They are just estimating it manually that's why it happened to some basement properties.
junexpress - Somewhere in Australia
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

This is great, not many people at all care about the environment, and this >a ="">green roof project, will definitely make houses look like the hobbit's. this is so awesome!
Fred Ferguson
Saturday, January 15, 2022