Bees! in the Library!
Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library
Join Urban Beekeeper Tanner for an hour-long look inside the life of honeybees! Using a special see-through hive, we will be able to safely observe a hive up-close without the risk of them buzzing about the room. We will learn all the basics, including the different roles inside the beehive, how bees (and other pollinators) help humans, and how they produce honey. We will also discuss the role of the beekeeper, and get hands-on experience with the tools we use. Come enjoy the sights, sounds, smells, and TASTES of spring, and leave with a newfound appreciation for these adorable little pollinators. Fun for the whole family!
Tanner Alcorn is a professional urban beekeeper living in West Philadelphia. They care for 30 hives in the greater Philadelphia region, and can sometimes be found selling honey and candles around the neighborhood farmers' markets.
Lucien E. Blackwell West Philadelphia Regional Library
125 South 52nd Street (West Phila. Regional 52nd & Sansom Sts.)
Philadelphia, PA 19139-3408