Detroit traffic jam

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Detroit traffic jam

Item Info

Item No: arcm00085
Title: Detroit traffic jam
Creation Date: 4/3/1946
Media Type: Photographic Prints
Source: Automobile Reference Collection

Information attached to photo:

Autos jam traffic during Detroit Transit strike Detroit, Mich....Automobiles carrying downtown workers are lined up as the efar as the eye can see at 5 P.M. In Detroit on the first day of the city-wide transit strike. Traffic moved at a snails pace and many drivers stopped to pick up stranded persons and give them a lift. Others of course resorted to the famous shoeleather method.

Local Businesses Identifiable in Photo:

Standard Service
Embassy Bar and Grill
PX Donut Shops

T.H. Welch Co. Real Estate - I
Info retrieved from - The City Of Detroit, Michigan, 1701-1922

"THOMAS HAEEISON WELCH. The rapid and substantial growth of Detroit in recent years has taken it to a point where it ranks among the first four of the largest cities of the country. This has naturally brought about great activity in the real estate field and among those who have been prominent factors in the upbuilding and development of Detroit and its suburbs is Thomas Harrison Welch, president of the T. H. Welch Company. He is a man of resolute spirit, extraordinary mental capacity and indefatigable energy. He it was who discovered Miami avenue when it was a cheap boarding house street and made it the Broadway it is today. He also took hold of Washington avenue when it was a dead street and foretold its future destiny as an exclusive shopping center. He now predicts a great future for the district surrounding the General Motors office building at Milwaukee and Second avenues. He also predicted many years ago the great development that is now taking place in the River Rouge district. Mr. Welch has visited nearly every large city in the world in his study of real estate and so comprehensive and perfect is his judgment in appraising properties which require expert knowledge that he is always paid at the rate of one hundred dollars a minute for his services. This puts him in a class by himself and is perhaps the highest fee ever paid to any expert."

Uptown Club Grill and Dancing
SIdney Hill - Gentlemen Your Health

Creator Name: Jim Savage - Photographer
