Tagged Healthcare

Discover Your Options With Medicare Mondays

Questions about Medicare? Unsure about your benefits? Turning 65 soon? Attend  Medicare Mondays  to learn more about your options and find the best plan for you! Medicare Benefits Advisor Courtney Bell will be on hand at…

Observing Mental Health Awareness Month With the Free Library

May 1 begins Mental Health Awareness Month; this is a time to think more about our mental health journeys. Mental Health Awareness Month was established in 1949 to increase awareness about the importance of mental health in the…

Overdose Awareness and Prevention

International Overdose Awareness Day is Saturday, August 31. The aim is to raise awareness and acknowledge the grief felt by families and friends remembering those who have died or suffered injury as a result of a drug overdose. As…

Health Support at the Free Library

Do you need help finding healthcare or signing up for federal benefits? Do you have questions about resources for free or low-cost food? Are you worried about the mental health of a family member? Find support and get your questions…

The Free Library is Here for You During Health Literacy Month!

Medical information changes rapidly with new research, and when new information is delivered to you during a stressful medical appointment, it can be tough to remember everything you were told. Differing levels of education; access…

National Public Health Week

National Public Health Week takes place this week, from April 2-8. But what is "public health", you may be asking? Public health promotes and protects the health of all people and the communities where we live, learn, work,…

Spotlight on Michael Rabb for National Social Work Month

Did you know the Free Library has trained mental health professionals on site at Parkway Central Library to help patrons who are in need of social services and other referrals? Because of all the great work being done, and in honor of…

Ask the Job Readiness Lab: "How will my disability benefits be impacted if I return to work?"

Welcome to " Ask the Job Readiness Lab ," a series of posts in which we address the questions of job seekers and share our answers with a broader audience. Here, our partner Clarifi addresses how going back to work affects…

Health Insurance Enrollment & Health Fairs at the Free Library of Philadelphia

This November, the Free Library will be hosting enrollment fairs for federal marketplace (Affordable Care Act/Obamacare) health insurance. You can find out more about the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how to get assistance , and resources…

Health Lending Library Now Available in South Philadelphia

The South Philadelphia Library has added a new collection: the Health Lending Library . The first items in this new collection are electronic blood pressure monitors and food scales. These items will now be available for checkout in…

A History Minute: Philadelphia's Medical Mystery

Philadelphia was the place to be in July of 1976. Even Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain came to present the Bicentennial Bell , cast in the same foundry as our Liberty Bell. The 4,000+ members of the Pennsylvania chapter of the…

We <3 Hearts: A Heart Healthy Family Day

The Free Library of Philadelphia, American Heart Association , and Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia will come together at Parkway Central Library on Saturday, February 18 in honor of American Heart Month to host We <3…

Affordable Care Act Open Enrollment Starts November 1, 2016!

The United States is about to enter its fourth year of Health Insurance Open Enrollment. This year, consumers can sign up for health insurance between November 1, 2016 and January 31, 2017. In order to be insured on January 1,…

October is Health Literacy Month!

October is Health Literacy Month , a month dedicated to promoting the importance of understandable health information. The month was first honored as an annual worldwide event in 1999 and continues to be an important initiative in…

Celebrate International Literacy Day with the Free Library

Happy International Literacy Day ! While everyone knows libraries are literacy hubs, many might not know the different types of literacy the Free Library of Philadelphia helps to promote! Not sure what we're talking about? Here…

The New South Philadelphia Library Is Now Open!

Update: Thank you for your comments and excitement over the new South Philadelphia Library. We regret the error of leaving out the address and location of the library. This blog post has now been updated with the South Philadelphia…

Zika Virus: Little Mosquito, Big Concerns

Are you worried about Zika? Every day we read more information about the Zika virus. Here is what is known now. What is the Zika virus? The first instance of a local Zika virus outbreak was reported in Brazil in May 2015. The virus…

What About Vaccinations?

Do you have questions about vaccinations? Many people do! We know many of you visit the Free Library (in person and online) searching for health information. A new series of blog posts will share ways you can access our materials and…

Check Out Our New Health Corners!

The Free Library continually seeks ways to provide the best health information and resources for our users. One of our exciting ventures is the newly established Health Corners in three neighborhood libraries in West Philadelphia.…

Health Information for You on MedlinePlus

We know many of you visit the Free Library of Philadelphia (in person and online) searching for health information. A new series of blog posts will share ways you can access our materials and services and focus on key health topics…


What are your health questions? The Free Library can connect you with resources to help you live a healthier lifestyle, including research tools, cooking classes, resources to help you quit smoking or increase your exercise, and…