Tagged Homework Help

Enjoy a Trustworthy Digital Encyclopedia With World Book Online

We are pleased to announce the launch of World Book Online , the online version of World Book Encyclopedia . It’s a great resource for children and teens and makes learning fun! World Book Online includes encyclopedia…

Virtual Tutoring Programs Flourish This Spring

by Regina Schliep, Logan Library Work-Study Student During this unusual school year, some neighborhood libraries  have joined forces with local schools and community organizations to support virtual tutoring programs for…

Improve Your Writing with the Free Library

by Breshay Woods — Languages and Learning Center Intern Writing is an important part of daily life. We are expected to communicate clearly through writing in many different situations. Whether for school assignments, work, or…

Back to School Resources and Programs for Students

The new school year starts this week throughout Philadelphia and whether students will be attending school in-person and / or virtually, the Free Library is ready to help with resources and programs to help make the school year a…

Homework Help Online: Live Chat with a Qualified Tutor

If you're looking for free, personalized academic support while your school or university is closed, the Free Library can connect you to a qualified tutor through Homework Help Online , powered by Tutor.com. Homework Help Online…

Learning from Home? The Free Library Can Help!

If your school or college is affected by COVID-19, resources from the Free Library are available to help students continue their learning from home. You can find all of these digital tools at freelibrary.org/ehomework . You’ll…

Philly School Fairs Help Fulfill Needs and Goals of Students

Every year, Great Schools Philly hosts the Philly High School Fair , an opportunity for students to find the schools that fit the futures they want to build. For the third year in a row, the Free Library got to attend! Nestled in a sea…

Go Back to School with the Free Library!

The calendar still says August, and the weather forecast still says summer, but the new school year is just around the corner— School District of Philadelphia will ring the bell to begin classes on Tuesday, September 3! …

New eResources for All of Your Research Needs

Don’t get lost Googling, stuck behind a paywall, or duped by untrustworthy data! New electronic resources for information seekers of all ages are now available from the Free Library of Philadelphia.   Through POWER Library, a…

Back to School Resources | The Artemis Literary Database

Who remembers having to visit the library and look up magazine articles in the long, long row of green hardbound Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature ? No disrespect against the Reader’s Guide— it’s still a…

Happy Young Readers Day!

November 14 is Young Readers Day, and while we believe that every day should be spent celebrating and encouraging our city’s littlest learners, we’re happy to take this opportunity to remind you about the many wonderful…

Start Your School Year Off Right with These Free Online Resources!

Is everyone ready for the start of another school year? At the Free Library of Philadelphia, we spent the last few weeks of our summer brushing up on the wonderful online resources available on our website to get up to speed for a…

Jumpstart Camp: Free Back to School Prep

It may feel like summer has only just began, but at the Free Library we are already prepping for back-to-school and the arrival of our Jumpstart Camp program. Jumpstart is a three-week camp that meets Monday through…

Citywide Out-of-School Time Survey

Summer is fast approaching, and the Free Library’s Literacy Enrichment Afterschool Program (LEAP) will be winding down this month after another successful year of providing literacy enrichment activities for elementary school…

Get Your School Year Off to a Great Start with These Online Resources!

Is everyone ready for the start of another school year?  At the Free Library of Philadelphia, we spent the last few weeks of our summer brushing up on the wonderful online resources available on our website to get up to speed…

Heading Back to School in a Library State of Mind

As you get in gear for the new school year, know that the Free Library has your back! We, too, are gearing up for the homework, projects, and papers the school year brings—not to boost our own report card, but to help you make the…