Tagged Self Help
Inner Excellence: Read-Alikes for Championship-Level Inspiration
As the Philadelphia Eagles advance in the playoffs (GO BIRDS!), football fans everywhere are looking for a copy of A.J. Brown's viral sideline read , Inner Excellence . While the Free Library does carry digital audiobook…
Department Highlights: Education, Philosophy, and Religion
Since Parkway Central Library opened in 1927, patrons have had free and open access to its rich and unique collections, expanding services, and professionally trained and welcoming staff. The robust programs and collections…
What's Your New Year's Resolution for 2023?
We're about to embark on a new year, and even if you're not a New Year's Resolution person, you might view this time of year - and the turning of the calendar - as a chance to evaluate goals for the next 12…
Join Us in Joyful Acts of Mindfulness: In Joy, Take Care
The ongoing pandemic has elevated stress levels, anxiety, uncertainty, depression, and loneliness within our communities. So what if we took a moment to reflect on self-care? Members of the Culinary Literacy Center 's Healthy…
Baking with Becca: Cooking Outside the Box
Baking with Becca began at Whitman Library , nestled between 2nd and 3rd Streets on Snyder Avenue in South Philly. When COVID hit, we had to take a long break. I continued to grow and learn to strengthen this class and to steel myself…
How to Spark Your Creativity
Inspiration comes with a few simple elements. For example, being in a quiet room might trigger your creative mind with a new flow of ideas. Each one of us has a different approach. Maybe you like to paint, saw, quilt or just walk.…
New Year's Resolutions: Moving Forward by Taking a Step Back in 2021
What can I say about 2020 that hasn’t already been said? The Coronavirus pandemic completely turned the world upside-down and forced many of us to hunker down in our households, work from home, and greatly alter the way we travel…
Fight Procrastination Day!
I waited until the last possible minute to write this blog. I’m not joking. When I took on the assignment, I made a joke about how ironic it would be to turn in a blog about procrastination, late. Well, it’s not late, but…
Let the Free Library Help You Grow During Self-Improvement Month!
September is Self-Improvement Month , and if you’ve been thinking about taking steps to become your best self, now is the time. Let the Free Library – and your library card , of course – help you meet your goals! Learn…
Simplify Your Life with a Little Help from the Free Library!
It's officially National Simplify Your Life Week , and I'm sure we can all use some tips to make our lives simpler all year round! When I reflect on how to simply my life, I think about the things that make me happy and how I…
How the Free Library Can Help During Self-Improvement Month
We at the Free Library love celebrating monthly themes, especially when they tie in to our resources! September – in addition to being National Library Card Sign-Up Month – is Self-Improvement Month, and it got us thinking…