Tagged Science and Wellness
Learn the Art of Soldering at the Library
Fancy yourself as a do-it-yourself handyman or looking to pick up a new skill? Want to dive into the world of electronics and repair the wire in your mouse, or salvage your favorite keyboard? Look no further! Join the Free…
Department Highlights: Science and Wellness
Since Parkway Central Library opened in 1927, patrons have had free and open access to its rich and unique collections, expanding services, and professionally trained and welcoming staff. The robust programs and collections…
Penn Med's Health Talk Tuesdays
The Science and Wellness Department invites you to explore and learn about health topics in a new program series. Introducing Penn Med's Health Talk Tuesdays ! Skip the waiting room and hear about the latest health advice and…
Keep it Fresh with Fresh Herbs!
Fresh herbs add flavor and nutrition to meals, they are beautiful when added to dishes, and many of them have unique fragrances. They are like tiny greens ! Maybe fresh herbs will inspire poems, cooking, or preserving like they do for…
Create Something New During National Sewing Month
September is National Sewing Month and a great opportunity to create something new this year for everyone on your D.I.Y gift-giving list. Both the Art and Literature and Science and Wellness departments at Parkway Central Library have…
Nourishing Literacy | Books and Cooks: Strong Rocks
Books and Cooks, a collaboration between the Parkway Central Library Children’s Department and the Culinary Literacy Center’s Nourishing Literacy team, offers an afterschool series of story read-alouds, cooking ideas,…
Women and Investing: A Panel Discussion in Celebration of Women’s History Month
Vanguard and the Free Library of Philadelphia will present a lively panel discussion in celebration of Women's History Month on Monday, March 22, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Sharon Hill, Ph.D., Senior Portfolio Manager and Head of Alpha…
The ABCs of CBD
If you've been in Center City recently, you can't walk 10 feet without finding Cannabidiol or CBD advertised on merchandise ranging from lotions and potions to patches and pet supplies. It's all the…