Barbara Bradley Hagerty | Life Reimagined: The Science, Art, and Opportunity of Midlife

Recorded Mar 29, 2016
Direct Download: 20160329-barbara.mp3

Journalist Barbara Bradley Hagerty was an NPR reporter for nearly 20 years, first covering the Justice Department and later becoming the network’s religion correspondent. Mapping the intersections of faith, politics, law, science, and culture, she twice received the American Women in Radio and Television Award, was selected for a Templeton-Cambridge Journalism Fellowship in Science and Religion, and attended Yale Law School on a Knight Fellowship. Her New York Times bestseller Fingerprints of God explores the scientific discoveries about the ways faith affects our brains. Her new book uses emerging information from neurology, genetics, sociology—as well as her own story—to reimagine the possibilities, purposes, and pleasures of middle age. 

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