Michael Lewis | The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds

Recorded Dec 9, 2016
Direct Download: 20161209-michael.mp3

In conversation with Mark Zandi

Possessed of “a spellbinding talent for finding emotional dramas in complex, highly technical subjects” (Financial Times), Michael Lewis is renowned for his timely nonfiction. Liar’s Poker, his semiautobiographical account of Wall Street in the ‘80s, is considered one of the definitive books of that time. He has also addressed such wide-ranging topics as Silicon Valley (The New New Thing and Next), the electoral process (Losers), and Wall Street malfeasance (Flash Boys and The Big Short). His books The Blind Side, Moneyball, and The Big Short were adapted into critically acclaimed films, garnering an impressive combined 13 Oscar nominations. In The Undoing Project, Lewis tells the story of two Israeli psychologists whose Nobel Prize-winning theory created the field of behavioral economics and altered our perception of reality.

Pine Tree Foundation Endowed Lecture

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