James Rahn with Diane McKinney-Whetstone and Tom Teti | Rittenhouse Writers: Reflections on a Fiction Workshop

Recorded Mar 7, 2017
Direct Download: 20170307-jamesra.mp3

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The founder and head of the Rittenhouse Writers’ Group for its nearly 30-year existence, James Rahn has made this venerable workshop one of America’s longest running and most prestigious. His eponymous memoir of the group details not only his growth as a writer and teacher to hundreds of students, but also his life as a husband and father. This volume also includes 10 current and former members’ short stories. This event will feature Rittenhouse luminaries Diane McKinney-Whetstone, author of the novels Lazeretto and Tumbling; and Tom Teti, a longtime member and former board member of the People’s Light theatre.

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