Gordon S. Wood | Friends Divided: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Recorded Nov 13, 2017
Direct Download: 20171113-gordons.mp3

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Acclaimed for synthesizing historical insight with wit and exuberance, Gordon S. Wood won the Pulitzer Prize for History and the Ralph Waldo Emerson Award for The Radicalism of the American Revolution, a rollicking and watershed study of the struggle for U.S. independence. His many other books include The Creation of the American Republic, 1776–1787, winner of the Bancroft Prize; The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin, recipient of the Julia Ward Howe Prize; and The Purpose of the Past. A frequent contributor to The New York Review of Books and The New Republic, Wood is a recipient of the National Humanities Medal and is the Alva O. Way University Professor of History at Brown University. Friends Divided is a biography of the two very different founding fathers whose intertwined fortunes and philosophies helped birth America.

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