Malcolm Gladwell | Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know About the People We Don’t Know

Recorded Sep 26, 2019
Direct Download: 20190926-malcolm.mp3

With “an uncanny ability to simplify without being simplistic” (Seattle Times), Malcolm Gladwell synthesizes academic research and critical analysis with engaging prose and relatable anecdotes to fashion surprisingly counterintuitive conclusions about our everyday lives. His mega-bestselling books include The Tipping PointOutliersBlink, and David and Goliath. A former business and science writer for the Washington Post, Gladwell has been a staff columnist at the New Yorker since 1996 and is the host of the popular Revisionist History podcast. From Fidel Castro to Bernie Madoff to the death of Sandra Bland, Gladwell’s latest book examines our interactions with strangers and why they often go awry.


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