William D. Cohan | Four Friends: Promising Lives Cut Short

Recorded Dec 5, 2019
Direct Download: 20191205-william.mp3

William D. Cohan is the bestselling author of The Last Tycoons, an inside history of Lazard Frères & Co., one of the country’s most venerable investment banks. A former longtime Wall Street mergers and acquisitions banker, the topics of his other books range from the financial improprieties of Bear Stearns and Goldman Sachs to the Duke lacrosse scandal. He is a regular contributor to news outlets including the New York Times, the Financial Times, and CNBC. A portrait of four of his fellow Andover boarding school graduates, Cohan’s new book is a group portrait of four vastly dissimilar men linked by the poignancy of their untimely demises.

Pine Tree Foundation Endowed Lecture

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