David Fajgenbaum | Chasing My Cure: A Doctor’s Race to Turn Hope into Action

Recorded Apr 14, 2020
Direct Download: 20200414-davidfa.mp3

A professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and associate director of the university’s Orphan Disease Center, Dr. David Fajgenbaum holds an MBA from the Wharton School, earned a master of science at Oxford, and graduated from Georgetown, where he was a football quarterback. Renowned on the field and in school for his mental and physical stamina, he was blindsided by a mysterious illness that baffled doctors and left him near death. Not content to leave his life in the hands of a too-slow medical community, he developed a treatment that put his condition in remission. The cofounder and executive director of the Castleman Disease Collaborative Network, he was named to prestigious Forbes “30 Under 30” list. He details his journey in Chasing My Cure.

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