B. Janet Hibbs and Anthony Rostain | The Stressed Years of Their Lives: Helping Your Kid Survive and Thrive During Their College Years

Recorded Jun 25, 2020
Direct Download: 20200625-b.janet.mp3

In conversation wth Elizabeth Mosier

A longtime faculty member at Drexel University, the Family Institute, and Widener University, B. Janet Hibbs is a renowned expert on family issues and partner relationships. A professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, Anthony Rostain is one of America’s leading authorities on ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome, and the learning disorders related to these conditions. He also treats patients at CHOP, where he is co-director of the Pediatric Neurodevelopmental Psychiatry Service. The Stressed Years of Their Lives is a guidebook for parents and college-age teens seeking a better understanding of mental health and the methods by which students can thrive.

Elizabeth Mosier is the author, most recently, of Excavating Memory: Archaeology and Home. Her thirty-year career in higher education includes teaching creative writing, directing a pre-college program, and directing admissions communications at Bryn Mawr College.   

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