Elizabeth Kolbert | Under a White Sky: The Nature of the Future

Recorded Feb 10, 2021
Direct Download: 20210210-elizabe.mp3

Barbara Gohn Day Memorial Lecture

In conversation with Tracey Matisak, award-winning broadcaster and journalist

“An astute observer, excellent explainer, and superb synthesizer” (Seattle Times), Elizabeth Kolbert is the author of the Pulitzer Prize-winning book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History. An amalgam of field reporting, scientific discovery, and natural history, it follows the ongoing legacy of the manmade global cataclysm that threatens the very existence of life on earth. A longtime staff writer at the New Yorker and a member of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’ Science and Security Board, she has earned a Guggenheim Fellowship, two National Magazine Awards, and a Heinz Award, among other honors. In Under a White Sky, Kolbert returns to her study of humanity’s impact on the world to examine how we might change nature in order to save it.

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