Beth Kephart | Wife | Daughter | Self: A Memoir in Essays

Posted 4 years ago
Recorded Mar 3, 2021 (66 mins)
  • Beth Kephart | Wife | Daughter | Self: A Memoir in Essays
Direct Download: 20210303-bethkep.mp3

In conversation with Jacinda Barrett, Traveler, Actress on Netflix Bloodline, Writer, Mother, Wife and all the rest of it.

Beth Kephart is the author of more than 30 books across a wide range of genres, including poetry, young adult fiction, and, most notably, the memoir. These works include the award-winning how-to-guide, Handling the Truth; A Slant of Sun, a National Book Award finalist; and Love, an ode to all things Philly. A writing professor at the University of Pennsylvania, Kephart is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts grant, a Pew fellowship, and the Speakeasy Poetry Prize, among other honors. Composed of interlocking essays about travel, everyday miracles, and family, her new memoir is praised by Carolyn Forché as a “shimmering” book in which “that most sought, most elusive treasure is revealed: what it means to be human, and aware.”

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