Jason L. Riley | Maverick: A Biography of Thomas Sowell

Recorded Jun 16, 2021
Direct Download: 20210616-jasonl..mp3

In conversation with Anthony B. Bradley, Professor and Chair of Religious and Theological Studies at The King's College (New York) and a Research Fellow at The Acton Institute

Jason L. Riley’s books include Let Them In: The Case for Open BordersFalse Black Power?; and Please Stop Helping Us: How Liberals Make It Harder for Blacks to Succeed. A longtime columnist for The Wall Street Journal and a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, he widely lectures and offers commentary about important social and political issues on various media outlets. Riley’s latest work is a biography of conservative social theorist Thomas Sowell. In it he offers a portrait of the Jim Crow South orphan’s evolution to public intellectual while arguing that academia should reconsider the unsentimental Sowell’s views. 

Books with signed book plates available from the Joseph Fox Bookshop

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