Erika M. Kitzmiller | The Roots of Educational Inequality: Philadelphia's Germantown High School, 1907–2014

Recorded Feb 24, 2022
Direct Download: 20220224-erikam..mp3

Education historian Erika M. Kitzmiller has conducted research in the city of Philadelphia, its public schools, and the Free Library for nearly two decades. The result of her investigation is The Roots of Educational Inequality, a decades-spanning report of the factors contributing to one school’s path from first-rate institution to its 2014 closure. An assistant professor of education at Columbia University’s Barnard College, her writing has appeared in the Harvard Educational ReviewDissentThe Philadelphia Inquirer, and Reuters, among other places. Her work has received funding from the National Academy of Education, the National Science Foundation, and the Russell Sage Foundation.

In conversation with:

Ted Domers, School District of Philadelphia, Assistant Superintendent, Germantown High School Teacher

Janel Moore-Almond, School District of Philadelphia Graduate and Teacher, Carver High School

Akira Drake Rodriguez, Assistant Professor, Weitzman School of Design, University of Pennsylvania

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