Sean Wilsey | Oh, The Glory of It All & Francine du Plessix Gray | Them: A Memoir of Parents Co-sponsored by First Person Arts

Recorded Jun 1, 2006
Direct Download: 20060601-seanwil.mp3

The Free Library partners with First Person Arts for an evening of memoir with McSweeney’s editor at large Sean Wilsey and New Yorker contributor Francine du Plessix Gray. Sean Wilsey’s Oh the Glory of It All is an “irreverent and remarkably candid memoir about growing up in wealthy eighties San Francisco” (Vogue) that encompasses a wicked stepmother, meeting the pope, sexual awakening, and a tour of “the planet’s most interesting reform schools.”

The distinguished writer Francine du Plessix Gray is the daughter of Alexander Liberman and Tatiana du Plessix Gray, gifted Russian émigrés who consorted with Dali and Deitrich at the heights of the New York fashion world. Her National Book Critics Circle Award-winning memoir, Them, tells the saga of the fierce romance, glamour, pathos, and the obsession with success, that ruled her parents’ lives, and her own.

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