Laurence Ralph | Sito: An American Teenager and the City That Failed Him

Recorded Feb 27, 2024
Direct Download: 20240227-laurenc.mp3

In conversation with Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor

In SitoLaurence Ralph explores the murder of San Francisco teen Sito Quiñonez and his family’s long-reverberating grief and grace. Ralph, the stepfather of Sito’s half-brother, tells this story both as an academic who has studied violence and class, as well as someone enmeshed within this family. His other books include of Renegade Dreams: Living Through Injury in Gangland Chicago and The Torture Letters: Reckoning with Police Violence. The Director for the Center on Transnational Policing and a professor at Princeton University, Ralph is a former tenured professor at Harvard University, a Guggenheim Fellow, a fellow of the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton. He has also earned fellowships from the Guggenheim National Science Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Ford Foundation.

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor is the Leon Forrest Professor of African American Studies at Northwestern University. Formerly a professor of African American Studies at Princeton University for eight years, her books include From #BlackLivesMatter to Black Liberation, How We Get Free, and Race for Profit, a finalist for the 2020 Pulitzer Prize in history. Taylor has been named one of the hundred most influential African Americans in the United States by The Root and Essence Magazine named her among the top one hundred “change makers” in the county. She has been appointed as a Distinguished Lecturer for the Organization of American Historians by the Organization of American Historians. A guest on such outlets as Democracy Now!, The Intercept, and All Things Considered, she has contributed opinion pieces to The New York Times, The Guardian, and The Paris Review, among many other periodicals.

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