Farai Chideya | Kiss the Sky

Recorded Jun 25, 2009
Direct Download: 20090625-faraich.mp3

Journalist Farai Chideya anchored National Public Radio’s News and Notes, has been a correspondent for ABC News, anchored Pure Oxygen on the Oxygen channel, and contributed commentaries to CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and BET, in addition to her work in print and other radio outlets. She is the author of Don't Believe the Hype: Fighting Cultural Misinformation About African Americans, The Color of Our Future, and Trust: Reaching the 100 Million Missing Voters, and has earned awards, including a National Education Reporting Award, a North Star News Prize, and a special award from the National Gay and Lesbian Journalists Association for AIDS coverage. In her debut novel, Kiss the Sky, Chideya chronicles the ups and downs of a black female rocker attempting to make a musical comeback amidst struggles with love, friendship, and faith.

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