R.A. Salvatore | Gauntlgrym

Recorded Oct 5, 2010
Direct Download: 20101005-r.a.sal.mp3

R.A. Salvatore is the author of 22 New York Times bestselling fantasy and science fiction novels. His books have sold more than 15 million copies in the United States alone. Best known for his work in the Dungeons & Dragons Forgotten Realms series, beginning with the novel The Crystal Shard and continuing through The Ghost King, his other works include The Demon Wars series and two books in the Star Wars series: The New Jedi Order: Vector Prime and the novelization of Star Wars: Episode II: Attack of the Clones. Gauntlgrym marks Salvatore's return to the Dungeons and Dragons universe and features his most popular character, the dark elf Drizzt Do'Urden.

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