"The Best Day of My Life So Far..."

Recorded Nov 14, 2010
Direct Download: 20101114-thebest.mp3

What happens when Philadelphia seniors open up by sharing stories from their lives? On Seniors' Storytelling Day, be ready to smile, laugh and even cry as our city's seniors take the stage to read stories that they have written, and answer questions from the audience.

Inspired by her friendship with her grandma, Benita Cooper launched The Best Day of My Life (So Far), a multimedia storytelling project to connect seniors with younger generations. Find out more about the project and get to know our storytellers before the event via Facebook, Twitter and www.thebestdayofmylifesofar.blogspot.com View a short video of a class in action:www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3ZAb8o0FAg




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