Baseball Panel Discussion with: Roger Angell, David Halberstam, Michael Lewis, and Joe Queenan, moderated by Nicholas Dawidoff

Recorded Jun 12, 2003
Direct Download: 20030612-basebal.mp3
In America, baseball writing is an art form. Join five of the best for a roundtable discussion of the ins and outs of our national pastime: Roger Angell has set the standard for baseball writing for more than forty years, his new book is Game Time; David Halberstam, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, author of 14 national best-sellers, a die hard baseball fan and author of The Teammates, a chronicle of the friendship between Ted Williams, Bobby Doerr, Dom DiMaggio, and Johnny Pesky - all members of the legendary 1940s Boston Red Sox; Michael Lewis, author of the best-sellers Liar's Poker, The New New Thing, and now Moneyball; Joe Queenan, a life long Phillies fan and author of True Believers; and moderator, Nicholas Dawidoff, editor of Baseball: A Literary Anthology and author of the Catcher Was a Spy.

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