Talk About It! What's the Solution to America's Healthcare Crisis?

Recorded May 7, 2008
Direct Download: 20080507-talkabo.mp3

The US spends more money per capita on medical care than any other country in the world, yet tens of millions of citizens are uninsured, underinsured or uninsurable. As Americans look at ways to reinvent the system, a panel of physicians, economists and healthcare providers discuss financial and social costs and options for change.

In addition to our moderator, John Timpane of the Philadelphia Inquirer, panelists include: Walter Tsou, MD, former Health Commissioner of the City of Philadelphia, David Grande, MD of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Medicine, Tom Getzen of Temple University's Fox Business School, Tine Hansen Turton of the National Nursing Center Consortium and Dan Fee of the Echo Group. For more information call 215.686.5414.

Talk About It! @ Parkway Central is an open discussion session at the Free Library of Philadelphia on topics of importance to the citizens of Philadelphia.

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