For Release: Immediately
Department of External Affairs
Free Library of Philadelphia
1901 Vine Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710
FAX (215) 567-7850
Contact: Communications and Development
For Release: Immediately
Contact: Communications and Development


The Association of Fundraising Professionals honors Gloria Hibbett

PHILADELPHIA, November 16, 2012—The Free Library of Philadelphia announced that the Association of Fundraising Professionals-Greater Philadelphia Chapter presented Gloria Hibbett with the Outstanding Fundraising Professional Award on Wednesday for National Philanthropy Day. She received the award for her work in the Free Library’s Regional Foundation Center (RFC).

“We are delighted to honor Gloria’s dedicated hard work in the Regional Foundation Center,” said Siobhan Reardon, President and Director of the Free Library. “Her work here has helped many local nonprofits, fundraisers, and grant seekers, and we couldn’t be more proud to celebrate National Philanthropy Day with her.”

The Regional Foundation Center informs the local nonprofit sector through research, resources, and referrals. The RFC houses Philadelphia’s largest publicly accessible collection of print and electronic resources on fundraising, nonprofit management, general philanthropy, and institutional advancement. Through its comprehensive collection and professionally certified staff librarians, the RFC promotes responsible nonprofit management and successful fundraising by nonprofit groups at all levels—from grassroots startups to established institutions.

Hibbett has been with the Free Library for more 30 years and has worked in the RFC since 1989. She manages the Center’s collection of resources, along with training members of the public on how best to utilize these resources. Hibbett is excited to receive the award and “owes the honor to my colleagues in the field and the many stored lessons and tidbits of knowledge they have graciously shared with me through the years. I am extremely grateful.”

National Philanthropy Day honors truly exceptional volunteers and donors for their work in the community. Over 600 local leaders will take part in celebrating National Philanthropy Day in Philadelphia to honor the tremendous efforts of the individuals and groups who, through their hard work and dedication, have enhanced philanthropy and communities through our region.

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The Free Library of Philadelphia system consists of 49 branches, three regional libraries, the Parkway Central Library, and the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. With more than 6 million visits annually, the Free Library is one of the most widely used educational and cultural institutions in Philadelphia.


Department of External Affairs, Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710, FAX (215) 567-7850