For Release: Immediately
Department of External Affairs
Free Library of Philadelphia
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Contact: Communications and Development
For Release: Immediately
Contact: Communications and Development


PHILADELPHIA, August 15, 2017—The Parkway Central Library is presenting A Tale of Two Sister Cities: Philadelphia and Tianjin, a photography exhibition that explores the connections and differences between these two vibrant cultural capitals. The exhibition opened August 7 in Parkway Central Library’s 2nd Floor Gallery and will be on view through Friday, October 20, 2017.

Curated by Bin Wu, an international museum and Fine Arts program curator, the exhibition was originally presented in March 2017 by the City of Philadelphia Office of Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy. The photographic cultural exchange between Philadelphia and Tianjin, China was exhibited in collaboration with Citizen’s Diplomacy International of Philadelphia, University of the Arts, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and Time-Light Art Group. Curator Wu said the project “is a collaborative art project by the people, for the people, and about the people of these sister cities. Looking into the images of the exhibition, you can see not only the beauty of Philadelphia and Tianjin, but also the real life of their citizens, and, most importantly, a sincere interest in further communication and cooperation between these two cities.”

Philadelphia and Tianjin have been sister cities since 1979. Through 60 original images, now displayed alongside materials from the Free Library's collections, photographers from both Philadelphia and Tianjin reveal the street life, people, architecture, nature, and culture of these sister cities.

“The Free Library’s mission is, in part, to inspire curiosity, and the images in this show do just that,” said Andrew Nurkin, Deputy Director for Enrichment and Civic Engagement.  “The Sister Cities exhibition asks us to look closely at life in Philadelphia and Tianjin, and to consider how the culture of a city is formed over time. We are delighted to host this exhibition and hope it contributes to the dialogue between Philadelphia and Tianjin.”

An opening reception for the exhibition will be held in the 2nd Floor Gallery on Sunday, August 20 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Two additional programs are planned in conjunction with the exhibition: An artist talk will take place on Saturday, September 16 at 2:00 p.m., and a performance of music and dance is scheduled for Saturday, October 14 at 7:00 p.m.

A Tale of Two Sister Cities is open to the public during Parkway Central’s regular public hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.; Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Saturday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and Sunday, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m.

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The Free Library of Philadelphia system, with 54 locations and the Rosenbach, advances literacy, guides learning, and inspires curiosity with millions of digital and physical materials; 25,000 yearly programs and workshops; free public computers and extensive Wi-Fi, including neighborhood Hotspots; and rich special collections, including  those at Parkway Central Library and at the Rosenbach. With more than 6 million in-person visits and millions more online annually, the Free Library and the Rosenbach are among the most widely used educational and cultural institutions in Philadelphia and boast a worldwide impact.


Department of External Affairs, Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710, FAX (215) 567-7850