Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710
FAX (215) 567-7850
Contact: Communications and Development
Visit the Free Library for Materials Pickup
Contact-free checkout and virtual programs and resources offer safe options for patrons
PHILADELPHIA, November 30, 2020—The Free Library is offering contact-free materials pickup at many of its locations to allow patrons to continue to borrow items while the buildings are closed to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
“The Free Library is an important resource for our communities, and our staff has worked tirelessly to ensure those resources are available in a safe setting throughout the pandemic,” said Interim Director Leslie M. Walker. “Services may look different than our patrons are used to, but the Library and its staff are here to help connect Philadelphians to books, movies, music, study guides, and more.”
Materials pickup allows patrons to check out materials with limited interaction or time indoors. A hold can be placed on items online or in person and patrons will be notified when their holds are ready to be picked up at a library that offers this service. Items that are returned are then quarantined for one week to ensure they are safe to be recirculated to the public.
Free Library staff is available to answer reference questions, give recommendations, and provide research assistance, as well as answer any questions about Free Library services, programs, or materials through the Library’s helpline at 1-833-TALK FLP (825-5357). The line is open between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, or between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. on Wednesdays. Patrons can also call the helpline or visit freelibrary.org/locations to find the closest library offering pickup. Patrons should also call that library before visiting to ensure your hold is ready and available.
There are also many ways to access the Free Library’s resources virtually. Patrons can check out ebooks, stream movies and music at freelibrary.org/digitalmedia. Visit freelibrary.org/elearning to find study materials, learn a language, or take an online class. There are also a number of virtual storytimes, lectures, author events, and other programs taking place on our website. See the full selection at freelibrary.org/virtualprograms.
Department of External Affairs, Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710, FAX (215) 567-7850