Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
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Contact: Communications and Development
Back to School with LEAP at the Free Library of Philadelphia
PHILADELPHIA, August 29, 2022— This school year, the Free Library is excited to welcome students back to afterschool programs in person. The Free Library’s Literacy Enrichment Afterschool Program (LEAP) returns for a new school year at all libraries throughout the city with a playful learning focus for younger students and a focus on literacy and 21st century skills for all ages. LEAP is currently scheduled to be offered Monday through Friday at every library as staffing and operating hours allow.
The Library’s LEAP Out-of-School-Time Programming will share Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) activities, literacy activities, slime making, and more. LEAP will offer homework assistance in-person during Library hours and live tutoring through Homework Help Online from 10:00 a.m. to midnight, 7 days a week.
“The Free Library’s LEAP program provides students with a safe place to learn, socialize, and enjoy their afterschool hours while having all of the library’s resources at hand. We are so thrilled to start the school year off by offering these programs in person throughout the city,” said Valerie Taylor-Samuel, Administrative Librarian for the Free Library.
LEAP will also provide employment opportunities for more than 65 teens as Teen Leadership Assistants, who will design and implement programs, help with homework, and serve as peer mentors to younger LEAP participants. Those interested can find out more at their nearest neighborhood library.
This year, LEAP programs will have new laptops, thanks to the American Library Association (ALA) COVID Library Relief Fund, through which the Free Library received $40,000 to support library services and operations. The library is among 34 grantees representing academic, public, school, and tribal libraries that have experienced substantial economic hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The funds are being used to purchase new laptops for the Free Library’s LEAP Afterschool Program, replacing out-of-date laptops and ones that were no longer functional. The grant will cover 48 laptops for use in Free Library locations across the city. The ALA COVID Library Relief Fund is generously supported by Acton Family Giving as part of its pandemic responsive grantmaking. Initial seed funding was provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation as part of its efforts to bolster educational and cultural organizations devastated by the economic fallout from COVID-19.
Poor Richard’s Charitable Trust and the Philadelphia City Institute Board of Managers also provided generous funding to purchase additional laptops this school year to replace the out of date laptops in neighborhood libraries.
“These laptops are essential for our LEAP staff to best assist the students who come to the Library for homework help and extracurricular activities. They are used to help with homework and projects, to provide digital access and education, and to keep important notes on the program that help LEAP meet the needs of the children in attendance,” said Heather Sparks, LEAP Afterschool Program Manager.
Family resources and literacy tips are available through Read by 4th, a citywide campaign bringing together a coalition of partners working towards a shared vision that all children will be reading on grade level by the time they enter the 4th grade. Students can also access a wealth of digital resources through the Free Library, including homework help online, research and study aids, practice tests, and more.
For educators, the Free Library offers visits to the library or schools can host a visit from a librarian to provide a story time, book talks, or introduce students to the library’s digital offerings. A visit can be requested on the Library’s School Partnerships page.
To find out more about these initiatives and more Back to School resources from the Free Library, visit our Back to School blog on freelibrary.org.
Department of External Affairs, Free Library of Philadelphia, 1901 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103-1189
(215) 567-7710, FAX (215) 567-7850