Extra! Extra! New York Times Online Now Free With Your Library Card!
By Jamie W.
We are very pleased to announce complimentary online access to the New York Times is now available with your library card! Free Library card holders will now have free access to NYTimes.com and all NYT mobile apps, as well as the paper's international editions.
With the New York Times, you will find a variety of topics covered with unsurpassed quality and depth through breaking-news articles, blogs, videos, and interactive features. It's one of the country's most distinguished papers of record. With your library card you will have access to the current and historical New York Times (*see below for details and restrictions), international editions, Spanish and Chinese language editions, and special features.
From any desktop computer in one of our libraries or on your own device usnig the Free Library's Wi-Fi network, your access is automatic once you create an account and log in at NYtimes.com. You will find a link to the New York Times at the Library on our database page.
From home, work, or on the go, follow the New York Times Anywhere link found on our database page to claim your free 72-hour pass for New York Times digital access. Create an account at NYTimes.com and log in to start reading. At the end of your complimentary 72 hours, you can return to our database page, click the link again, and claim an additional pass. There is no weekly or monthly limit to the number of passes you can claim.
Steps for Off-Site Access
1. Click the link New York Times Anywhere on our database page
2. Click "Redeem" (Code will be pre-populated)
3. Already have a NYTimes.com account? Simply log in with your email and password.
4. If you don't have a NYTimes.com account, click the log in buttom to create one (see picture below)
5. A confirmation page will appear advising when your 72-hour access expires.
Redeeming Additional Passes
1. Return to the link New York Times Anywhere on our database page.
2. Log in to NYTimes.com with your email and password.
3. Redeem another 72-hour pass.
*Details and Restrictions: The crossword puzzle is not included in access with your library card. NYTimes Cooking is not included. When you access NYTimes.com from the library or from home, you will have access to content from 1981 to present day as well as 1851 through 1922. Access to content from the years 1923-1980 is not available when accessing NYTimes.com from within our libraries or on our Wi-Fi network. When you visit NYTimes.com with a 72-hour pass from your home, office, or mobile device, you will have access to five articles from 1923 - 1980 with each 72-hour pass.
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