Free Library Collection Featured on Chinese Television

By Karen L. RSS Fri, June 18, 2010

You may have heard about the 2010 World Expo that opened in Shanghai in May. Did you know that there was a world expo in Philadelphia in 1876? That exposition celebrated the centennial of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and the fairgrounds were in west Fairmount Park and stretched from Memorial Hall (built as the Art Gallery for the exposition) to where the Mann Music Center is today.

Recently, Chinese National Television's American Correspondent, Leon He, came up from Washington and interviewed Karen Lightner, Curator of the Print and Picture Collection, and filmed photographs from the Centennial Collection for the televised spot in May. He also interviewed David Groverman, the proprietor of the Centennial Cafe, which is housed in Ohio House, the only remaining state building in what was the state's section of the exposition. All of his background talk is in Chinese, but his interviews with Karen and David are in English and were sub-titled for broadcast. You can see the spot on YouTube below: 


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Wow, good to know about that the history of expos goes back to 1876. Right now the biggest event in the world, World cup and Olympics apart, the Shanghai expo is going on. Awesome stuff. A must see.
laval wong - philadelphia
Saturday, June 19, 2010

Its good to know about that the history of expos goes back to 1876.
Decoração - Brasil
Sunday, June 20, 2010

very interesting video, thanks for sharing, i will make sure my brother sees this as he likes this type of information, thanks
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Really interesting. I wonder how many people attended this in Philadelphia. I wonder how much tickets cost. I wonder what the styles were back then. I know decorating styles were so different. As a specialist in interior design, it is fun to see what has changed and what is different.
Melisa -
Saturday, June 26, 2010

I have never been to the World Expo grounds in Philly. My brother lives in Collegeville and I usually visit annually. I am quite intrigued that the Chinese are hosting a World Expo and will definitely be visiting the Philly World Expo grounds on my next visit! Seth
Seth - Delray Beach, Florida
Saturday, July 10, 2010

South Philly is the epicenter. Shout out to my Phillies and Eagles. Bo
Bo Harley - S. Philly
Thursday, January 20, 2011