Mayor Nutter Announces His New Mayor's Commission on Literacy!

By Michelle S. RSS Thu, September 9, 2010

Yesterday was International Literacy Day, and to mark the occasion, Mayor Michael A. Nutter joined Free Library President and Director Siobhan A. Reardon at the Parkway Central Library to speak about issues related to workforce literacy in Philadelphia, where 52% of the city’s adults cannot read well enough to navigate a simple job application form. Together, Reardon and Mayor Nutter laid out a new literacy agenda that included ways to combat the problem and help every Philadelphian become a literate and fully contributing member of the workforce. Mayor Nutter stressed the importance of education and emphasized his belief that being literate allows one to be free.

Mayor Nutter also announced his new appointments to the Mayor's Commission on Literacy (MCOL), which has been part of the Free Library of Philadelphia since 2004. MCOL’s mission is to ensure that every Philadelphia adult has the literacy skills necessary for the workforce, for parenting, and for community life. New commissioners include author and Free Library of Philadelphia Board of Trustees member Leslie Esdaile Banks; Free Library of Philadelphia Foundation Board of Directors members Dan Gordon and Marciene Mattleman; and Free Library Materials Manager Carla Gaskin. Check out our recent blog post to learn more about the Mayor’s Commission on Literacy.

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Hi Shivvy, Welcome to Philly! Good luck with the Mayor's Commission on Literacy. All the best, Doug Waitzman (Shelley's brother)
Doug - Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, September 9, 2010

If Nutter is serious about this,why are library funding always the first thing cut(city & state-wise) ?
Just wondering - Philly
Friday, September 10, 2010

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Tony - Pittsburgh
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

the first step is always the hardest and the rest will follow. hope that every one do their share as we do, we can't go at ti alone.yeah you're right though... but maybe its because education is the first possible means of resolving most of our problem especially in the city.
matts - washington
Friday, November 12, 2010

dear mayor nutter siyonees tow ing is pay ing of police and so are a lot of these towing companys thats why we have a gang towing companeys out here shoting killing and at most i dont evan wreck chase i tow big things like bus and trucks i hope i going to have to pay for them if need for me i need to go to federal to fight to keep me on the road i wish i was on your advisory board mayor nutter ask steven johnson keven bethell about me i 25 dist 24 district are not any one right over here u can all ways call me at 215-416-9297 ask for jay i would like to meet with u and steven j keven b of the police can get bad if i need to talk with goverment well ill be waiting it would be nice if kenney was there as well he need to no whats going on to with the towing company out here
jay edwards - pilly
Monday, November 22, 2010