Get an International Perspective at Parkway Central's New Program Series,

By Michelle S. RSS Wed, February 23, 2011

In the current global economy, even friendly nations are competitors for jobs, resources, and influence. To help Philadelphians better understand world events through the lenses of our international neighbors, Central Senior Services at the Parkway Central Library is launching a compelling new series of public programs entitled “The World at Your Door,” featuring area diplomats who represent the nations of Canada, Jamaica, Poland, Chile, Romania, and Israel. Each diplomat will provide his or her perspective on the current international scene—and explain the foreign policy priorities of their nations, in the hope of promoting a more sophisticated understanding of the global community.

Every program in this six-part series is presented on a Wednesday morning at 11:00 a.m. in Room 108 and open to people of all ages. The series lineup includes:

• Mr. Paul Gillis, Canadian Consul – March 9
• Dr. Alston Meade, Jamaica’s Honorary Consul to Pennsylvania – March 23
• Ms. Deborah Majka, Honorary Consul of Poland – April 13, 2011
• Mr. Benjamin Leavenworth, Honorary Consul of Chile – May 4
• Mr. Raslan Abu Rukun, Deputy Consul of Israel – May 18
• Mr. George Sfedu, Honorary Consul General of Romania – May 25

We encourage you to attend as many of these sessions as you can!

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This event looks great but I can't attend because it is during business hours. Please make more of these events in the evening or on the weekend!
Nicole - Northeast Philadelphia
Monday, February 28, 2011


Thanks for your comment! This event is organized through Central Senior Services, which specializes in programs for older adults, many of whom are retired. While all ages are welcome and encouraged to attend "The World at Your Door," we understand that it may be difficult for those working during regular business hours. We can certainly work to expand great programming like this event to hours more accessible for more people.

We do have many great programs going on during evenings and weekends. Check out for a complete listing.


Michelle - Free Library of Philadelphia

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I definitely will. Thanks for your response Michelle!
Nicole -
Wednesday, March 2, 2011