Senseless Life, or A Year With No Sense of Smell or Taste.

By Daniel S. RSS Thu, September 15, 2011

 Written by Helen Azar

May, 2010.

"You should have it back in a few days", I am told by my primary care physician  whose office I am sitting in a few days after recovering (sort of) from a particularly bad bout with flu. It has been a couple of weeks since I completely lost my sense of smell. The sensation is not completely new to me - in the past I had quite a few colds which resulted in a very stuffy nose and inability to smell anything for a few days. But my sense of smell always returned fairly soon. This time it feels different, but I am not exactly sure how or why. I have not been able to smell anything at all for almost 2 weeks, and it does not feel "normal". But presumably the doctor knows better, so I wait. And wait.

 Another week passes, and … nothing. The doctor tells me that if my sense of smell does not come back in a few more days, I should make an appointment with a specialist. It takes another week to get the appointment. So here I am, at the ENT office in Philadelphia's Jefferson Hospital 4 weeks after I completely lost all sense of smell. And I am now being told that I should have come sooner since I may have missed the "window of opportunity", when a course of prednisone may have worked more effectively.

 The ENT seems unfazed by my distress about the fact that I can't smell anything at all. He is nice enough, but tells me that he sees so many people with this condition every year (“a couple of hundred patients per season” as he puts it, and makes it sound like it’s not really such a big deal). Could some nasal sprays I used for stuffy nose and allergies have caused this?Impossible”, he says. Do you think acupuncture could help me? (I just read an article about the use of acupuncture for anosmia). ”Nonsense”. What can I do to get my sense of smell back? “Hard to say, everyone is different. Based on statistics you have perhaps a 30-40% chance of recovering”. 30 percent? That sounds really bad. He tells me that the virus tried to attack my brain (he actually used the term "insult") and that this was my body’s way of protecting the brain from the virus. A defense mechanism. Somehow this doesn’t make me feel that much better, although I do realize that things could have been much worse. I have been diagnosed with ANOSMIA.

I am told that I need to have a brain MRI to rule out a tumor, or anything else in my brain. It all sounds very sinister and scary. I ask him what can be done in the meantime. "Nothing much… You just have to hope that your olfactory receptors can start regenerating spontaneously. Slowly.  Maybe they will and maybe they won't. Keep your fingers crossed. I will prescribe a course of prednisone and some beta-carotene.” Great. I feel discouraged and depressed when I walk out of the clinic. And make an appointment with another ENT for a second opinion. In the meantime, I take the prednisone and beta-carotine. Nothing happens. I also decide to give acupuncture a shot, no matter what the ENT said. Nothing to lose… except a few hundred dollars. And, after 5 acupuncture visits - at $50 a pop - (which I can hardly afford)… nothing.

 Meanwhile, “the second opinion specialist” gives me a blind smell test. I can't smell a damned thing, but one of the samples causes my face to flush intensely and I feel a very strange strong tingling sensation  ... My guess is that it's lemon. "Ammonia", the doctor tells me. Right under my nose and I smelled NOTHING. I am not encouraged. Food tastes like nothing. Chinatown, where I live, which always had a very specific smell, smells neutral and sterile. Everything smells neutral and sterile, including my cat’s litter box. I feel like I live in a virtual world. I am a foodie and love to cook, which makes this so much worse... I also realize that I can't tell when food is spoiled or when gas is leaking from my stove. I keep burning the food I am cooking, so I have to start setting a kitchen timer every time I turn on the stove. And hundreds of other little things we never think about. Unless we can't smell...

 The second specialist puts me on a much stronger dosage of prednisone for a much longer period of time (about a month). My blood sugar goes haywire, I can’t stop eating, I gain 15 pounds, I feel dizzy, but I persevere. I start getting some phantom smells (which according to doc is a “good sign”), and an occasional strange tingling sensation in the back of my skull. Not sure if the latter means anything, but there is definitely a prednisone connection.

 I decide to start a Facebook page to air out my frustrations. I call it “Senseless Life: Living with Anosmia” (“anosmia” has become the word of the year). Making posts on my page helps, psychologically. It’s one thing to be told that this is a fairly common condition, but it’s another thing to communicate with people who are experiencing the same thing you are, and hear their own stories. Many visitors come to the page and comment, and I meet other anosmics who understand exactly what I am going through. Some are handling it better than I am, most seem to handle it worse than me. I even find out that a couple of my “real life” and FB friends have either had anosmia in the past or currently have it, and I had no idea until I started talking about it online. 

 I learn so many things about the condition, things I was completely ignorant of : like the existence of congenital anosmia - people born with no olfactory nerves hence no sense of smell; as well as  “head banger" anosmics – those with head injuries which caused them to lose their sense of smell permanently. And then there are those with sinus problems. And so on and so on. My head spins.  But I try to keep my sense of humor about the whole thing. It's the only way to deal with it.

 The latest ENT is very thorough and wants to test me for every disorder known to man that may possibly be contributing to my anosmia, since my condition seems so severe. I get an MRI, and a catscan, both are negative. I get blood tests and they take so much blood that it keeps coagulating as they move  from tube to tube. I pass out and the phlebotomist tells me she had never seen a prescription form where everything was checked off until she saw mine. I even get tested for congenital syphilis, which I now know I don’t have.

 I am referred to a consult with an immunologist because they see something in the hundreds of test results that may be an issue. Or not. This is becoming a medical nightmare. But I persevere. I want my sense of smell back!

 I am getting a little more desperate every day. I contact Monell Center, where sense of smell is researched, and ask them if they are running any clinical studies. I want to be their guinea pig. But apparently their funding was lost just this year and I would have to pay a grand and half to be seen.

 The researcher who responds, Dr. Beverly Cowart, is very nice and gives me some tips. There is no specific treatment for this, she says, but what seems to work for some people is neurofeedback. Train your brain to "learn" to smell again, even if you can’t smell what you are sniffing. Assemble a kit of non-irritating scents that are different from each other and sniff them every single day in order to stimulate the regeneration of my lost olfactory receptors. Sounds good to me. I use 5 scents: vanilla extract, lemon extract, cumin, Earl Grey tea, and coffee, and do it religiously for about 6 months… every single day… just before going to bed. I even take my "smell kit" with me when I go away. I can smell nothing, but I keep sniffing away.

 And suddenly, one day I think I can smell coffee in my smell kit! But it doesn’t smell like coffee. It smells like nothing I can really describe, nothing I ever smelled before. At first I am not even sure if it's real, but I keep sniffing it and smelling it. A little later I start getting whiffs of the same scent here and there, occasionally, outside. No coffee in site. Strange. Then I figure it out: cigarettes! This is what cigarettes smell like to me now, whenever I pass by a smoker in the street. Like coffee, which does not smell like coffee should smell. I feel like I am really making progress now, and am very encouraged by this.

 Little by little, I start catching fast whiffs of other things, but they all have the same scent, everything that I can smell, smells the same to me, and not at all what it 's supposed to smell like. But the Monell scientist predicted this, so it’s all good.

 One of the first things I was able to “taste” was … Rice Krispies cereal! Which prior to my anosmia didn’t taste much like anything. Suddenly the cereal has a relatively strong taste, but again nothing that I can describe or compare to. Rice Krispies becomes my preferred meal. Gradually, and very slowly (too frustratingly slowly), my sense of smell is returning. At first, everything smells the same and not at all like it should smell. Then, very slowly and subtly some differences appear. For a long time scents are completely distorted. And again, this was predicted by Dr Cowart of Monell.

September, 2011. 

 It has now been a year and four months since that horrendous virus took away my sense of smell, and although it is hard for me to say with absolute certainty, I think that I am about 90% recovered. It's hard to say because the recovery is so subtle and so gradual. Some things still smell distorted but most are not., and I can smell everything that has a scent, even a subtle one. I can’t tell exactly what helped me recover most, if anything, and neither can the doctors. It may have been the prednisone (which is supposed to give your olfactory receptors a regenerating jolt, and then let them do their work), it may have been the neurofeedback... but I think it was the combination of those two, or perhaps the synergistic effect of it all when I threw everything and the kitchen sink at my disorder - out of complete desperation.

Although I would love to figure it out, right now I am just happy that I have recovered enough to taste food again. And that I no longer have to live in a virtual sterile world. In fact, my sense of smell seems a lot more sensitive than it ever was, but I am not sure if it’s just relative to not having any at all for a year. Often these days I feel like a bloodhound, when semi-consciously  I start sniffing out every little scent in the street, which my brain  perceives as separate waves of smells... but it’s all good.

 One thing I do know for sure is that I will never take my sense of smell for granted again, and that I have come out of this experience with a lot more awareness and knowledge about the strange condition called “anosmia” than I had a year and a half ago. And that I would like to share this awareness with others - after all, so many people have never even heard of anosmia, or realize that it can happen to ANYONE. And how much it can change the quality of one’s daily life.  

 I met Molly Birnbaum in NYC at a book conference, exactly a year after I lost my sense of smell: in May of 2011.  Molly was a young aspiring chef when she was hit by a car while jogging, and among other things, completely lost her sense of smell. Since she could no longer taste food, she was forced to give up her dream of becoming a professional chef.  And she published a book about it.  I read the book in one day, and these are not even the types of books I normally read. I could not put it down. Even my mother read it--all of it--and she usually only reads romances. So I decided to invite Molly to speak at the Free Library of Philadelphia about her experiences and her book, and she accepted.  Hers is the upcoming Free Library author event, on September 21, 2011.

 Although I am now well on my way to complete recovery, having experienced anosmia first hand I would love for this book event to be a step towards greater public awareness about this condition, awareness so badly needed because anosmia is so rarely talked about, yet so commonly experienced. 

 "Senseless Life: Living With Anosmia" Facebook 

Monell Chemical  Senses Center:

Anosmia Foundation:

 "The Ubearable Absense of Smelling" by Mick O'Hare:

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Add a Comment to Senseless Life, or A Year With No Sense of Smell or Taste.

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Very fascinating article about a condition of which I had heard, but not known the name. My friend lost her sense of smell from a horseriding accident. She was wearing a helmet, but it was an old helmet, and did not protect her head. She hit the fence. She has lost so much weight. She now eats food for survival, not for pleasure. Foods with interesting texture are her favorite now. She has not smelled anything for over ten years. I will have to tell her about the smell kit. Hope the lecture was well attended. Thanks for this enlightening account of your recovery from anosmia. Diane
Diane - Cincinnati, Ohio
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanks so much for sharing a positive story. I am one of the headbangers Never rollerblade without a good helmet!I too enjoy Rice Krispies and never did before! especially with bananas! I thought it was ironic how you mentioned them! Your story gives me hope!
jen - brainerd
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Thanks so much for sharing a positive story.Hope the lecture was well attended. Thanks for this enlightening account of your recovery from anosmia. Diane
queen bed -
Sunday, January 6, 2013

I'm glad to hear you're recovering from the virus As a , I run into a lot of different patients, but never someone who has lost their sense of smell. I can't even imagine how hard that must've been. Best wishes to you.
Jolene - USA
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Hi I was happy to see your article as I lost my smell 10 months ago and have pretty much had the same experience as you. I started right away with Young Living oils and smelling them. I taste now but it's all distorted really. And once in awhile I taste something for a second and then it's gone. Did you find Dr. Cowart helpful? I'm desperately looking for more help and people who suffer from this but don't want to go to another doctor just to have them tell me what I already know. I'll check out your Facebook page to see if there is more information there.
Lynda - Los Angeles
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

i lost taste and smell 10 years ago.had ct scan, mri nothing. Had sinus problems for years. Have not had sinisitus for 10 years but no taste and smell.Life without smell and taste is depressing since i too was a gourmet cook and food junkie. What can i do
Roger Grulke - Beaver Dam wi
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thank you very much for this article. Its been 4months with my distorted and perverted sense of smell. I had lost hope and after reading this with watery eyes. I am glad.
Pratik Garg - India
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

any free treetment anosmia pl inform me
jsoundar - india
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

I read your article a few times. I am happy for you that you regained your sense of smell. I lost mine during a bike accident 1.5 years ago. I was wearing a helmet but still my brain got injured. While I am lucky to be alive I still haven't regained my sense of smell (and taste). But after reading your story, I am now going to try your 'smell kit' approach. I have not taken prednisone so I will talk to my doctor about that. I also bought the book Season To Taste and has started reading it... Thank you for your story. It is giving me hope.
winston c. - Bay Area, CA
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I have anosmia from the birth ,but here in south africa we don't have any awareness that give us hope one day we are going to overcome this mongstarous anosmia.what i'm trying to say is that try to educate us inorder to have that hope we are in the darkness now.
Sihlahla thabo - South africa
Friday, November 14, 2014

Thanks for sharing your experience, I too lost my sense of smell about 2 months ago after a head cold, it was gradual but now I have a chemical odor in my nose, food tastes really dull, had MRI done of brain, it was fine, have an appointment with ENT in a couple of days, I feel extremely anxious thinking it might not get better, I loved to cook and really enjoyed food, it is very difficult to explain my family what I am going through.I have no appetite and eat because I know I have to eat to live. Please respond to my email, it will be a great sharing experience.
samina ali - maryland
Sunday, January 11, 2015

I have lost my sense of smell and taste for more than a week, after a bad cough and flu. Hope to get my senses back! Thank you for sharing your story.
Ahmad Hafiz - Singapore
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Thank u very much providing such a nice blog,keep posting like this
starhomeopathy - Bangalore
Thursday, July 2, 2015

I too have suffered from anosmia for the last 6 months due to a traumatic brain injury from a fall on black ice. I have a constant chemical odor for the last month which is quite unpleasant but am hoping that something is rejuvenating in my damaged olfactory nerve. I do get an occasional but very brief sense of a present odor. Maybe there is still hope for me.
Joan Falabella - Long Island, NY
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I too have suffered from anosmia for the last 6 months due to a traumatic brain injury from a fall on black ice. I have a constant chemical odor for the last month which is quite unpleasant but am hoping that something is rejuvenating in my damaged olfactory nerve. I do get an occasional but very brief sense of a present odor. Maybe there is still hope for me.
Joan Falabella - Long Island, NY
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

I'm experiencing these same symptoms after a head cold that turned into pneumonia. It's the strangest thing I have ever seen. No smell, no taste nothing for the last few days, I'm hopeful mine won't last long. I find myself eating everything right now, not because I'm hungry but searching for something that will ring a bell. My prayers are with everyone on this blog. Thanks for sharing.
Mike - Atlanta
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

I'm suffering from anosmia since 2 weeks due to a traumatic brain injury from a fall (back of my head). I still can't smeel nothing. My previous readings didn't give me much hope. I will try your training technique. Thanks for sharing. Stephen, Quebec, Canada
Stephen - Quebec, Canada
Saturday, September 12, 2015

Started noticing problems with my SoS about 2 orr so years ago. Whenever I'd smell something strong I'd keep smelling it at random times, for days even. This progressed to smelling nothing at all eventually. Saw an ENT, she saw nothing wrong poking around with the camera in my nose. Sent me for an MRI- again nothing wrong. Only positive I can think of now is I'm losing weight, which I needed to do anyway. Eating just doesn't bring pleasure anymore. BTW I'm in my mid 60's
Al - South Carolina
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Thank you so much for sharing your story. I'm so glad you got your sense of smell back. It gives me hope. I lost my sense of smell 5 months ago after a bad cold. I did a 6 day dose of prednisone at the end of it to help me get rid of a lingering hacking cough, but my sense of smell never has come back. I saw an ENT and he said that I was "lucky" that I still have some sense of smell - but smells are distorted and food tastes weird and chemical-like. Things I used to love like coffee, triscuits, chocolate, pastries - many of these things just taste like a weird chemical. I am a bit of a foodie, but it's really hard to cook without being able to taste properly. I'm also an avid gardener and always have flowers and roses on my desk. People come by and tell me that they can smell my flowers down the hall but I cannot smell them at all, sometimes not even when I put my nose directly into them! I am practicing holding things very close to my nose and trying to smell them before eating. I will try your smell kit idea. Again, thanks for writing about your experience. It gives me great hope that, like yours, my sense of smell might come back someday.
Lisa - Oak Grove, Oregon
Friday, June 8, 2018

I was either born with it or caused by head injury when I was a toddler. Either way I have no memory of ever smelling anything. I'm not sure if losing it or not having it at all is better. But this is an experience in life that I will never get to enjoy. The idea of smelling cut grass baffles me.... Anyway it doesn't bother me much as I never had it so there is nothing essentially lost. But it would be nice if one day I can experience it. It would be like another stimulation in life. I enjoy food as much as the next person but I have no idea if my experience with food is substantially more bland than the next person. It may be I have grown up to enjoy things in my own way. The only bad part is learning late in life about BO and other things of that nature. It has led to some very embarrassing moments. Can you imagine not even knowing about BO until your in your early 20's! I just washed clothes because thats what you did. And I put on deoderant for much the same reason. Like anything in life you learn from mistakes. I'm glad you have recovered and hope others like you recover too.
Stacy - Sydney
Tuesday, September 18, 2018

I, too, have anosmia. I have not been able to smell or taste for about 4 months now. I had two bouts of bronchitis this past winter and I'm doing the smell therapy. Not sure it's helping but I keep doing it anyway. Thank you so much for your post. It give me some hope.
Carol Byrd - Fultondale, Alabama
Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Hey can you email me I'd like to see if you can give me any hope 🤦‍♀️I have just got the same problem recently
Emma - England
Saturday, April 4, 2020

Thanks for sharing your experience. It's been about 2.5 months since I lost my smell/taste from a virus. Although it has been very slowly returning, I have good days and bad days. I'm currently at the point where everything that I can smell has the same exhausting odor. I'm hopeful this is a good sign and that my brain is working it all out. I turned to the internet so see what I could find about this and it sounds like your experience is very similar. Thanks again!
Jessica - Charlotte, nc
Friday, May 29, 2020

Hi When my first child was born I suffered severe anxiety and when she ended up in hospital at 7 months I got a terrible cold it felt like a complete block to my head As the days weeks and months passed my sense of smell and taste never returned I had the brain scan and all the other medical intervention I went private and eventually was told that unfortunately some people's senses are so badly damaged from the virus they never return After 3/4 years my senses returned to approx 20% which I now live with Strangely at time's of stress I can actually taste or smell very briefly and it's funny now but I actually hate the taste of half of the foods I eat daily Having no sense of smell or taste is absolutely awful I can't taste wine which really hurts 😢 I don't bother much with meals out as it is a waste of money I will say it's a condition that is ignored once your scans are clear and it is a depressing isolating experience It cannot be cured it seems and it is a daily factor Oh I wish it never happened to me I have learnt to accept it now but I would love to taste normally again one day
Martina Canny - Cork Ireland
Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How long were you on the prednisone for?
Sara - USA
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Thank you for sharing your experience and journey. I am recovering from Covid-19 and on day 3 or 4 of this a funny taste began developing in my mouth. Kind of like metal or chemical. Can't really describe it. Then I noticed I couldn't taste or smell anything. I pray it returns. But whatever the outcome, I am thankful my eyes have been opened to this horrible thing others are going through. Hard to believe how much joy came from the sense of smell and taste. Incredible. We take so much for granted. Thanks again! You have a very fun reading style! Be blessed.
Tracy Sullivan - FL
Saturday, July 4, 2020

This blog was so touching it brought me to tears and had me laughing out loud. I am what you called a "Head banger anosmic" I have been told I may never smell again. I tool have phantom smells that seem to last only a second and I am left sniffing the air to no avail. Thank you for sharing your experience and hope
BF - Minnesota
Wednesday, March 17, 2021