November means Nanowrimo!

By Michelle S. RSS Tue, November 1, 2011

November is National Novel Writing Month! Think what you have what it takes to craft the next Great American Novel in just 30 days? Today is the day to get scribbling!

In years past, I always entered the month of November with the highest of ambitions--maybe even with a plot outline of a novel that I was determined to finish by the time all the Thanksgiving leftovers had been eaten. I've never made it to the finish line in the past few years that I've participated in Nanowrimo, but that's not stopping me from trying again this year.

Instead of starting with a plan or outline this year, I'm just going to sit down and start writing and see what comes out. If nothing else, Nanowrimo helps me keep the commitment I made to myself to write creatively every day--a commitment that easily gets lost in the face of busyness, tiredness, and any number of other I'm-a-massive-procrastinator excuses.

Are you participating in Nanowrimo this year? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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