It may seem obvious – but wordless picture books are books with no words!
Since there is no text, wordless picture books are a great way to share books with children -- you can even get your child “read” to you. Talk with your child about what is going on in the pictures -- describe what you think the characters are doing or thinking. Try open ended questions that start with one of the 5 w’s (who, what, where, why, when) to encourage your child to interpret what is going on in the pictures. See if you can guess what is going to happen on the next page based on what is happening on the page you are looking at. As they tells you what is happening in the story, it’s a great way for them to learn that stories have a beginning, a middle, and an end. How does the story start (beginning)? What happens next (middle)? How does the story end?
For more titles, check out this list of Fun Wordless Picture Books!
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